What Kind of Rings Would a Woman Expect?

For women, rings are must-have items that can complete their looks and have a significant meaning. Layering this jewelry is easy and can be paired with almost every accessory.


Rings have different styles and kinds, each bearing various symbolisms. If you want to buy a ring for someone special, it would be best to research what type is most suitable for your relationship status.


This article will break down four kinds of rings a woman would expect and share a few tips on how to pick the perfect ring for her.

4 Kinds of Rings a Woman Would Expect

  1. Promise ring

Whether you have been together for a year or less, promise rings are excellent placeholder engagement rings you can give to someone special. Promise rings are usually given to women as a commitment before a man proposes.


Promise rings may be fancy rings, simple silver-plated rings, or any silver ring design for a girl.

  1. Engagement ring

Typically featuring a dominant stone at the center, engagement rings are given to a woman when a man asks for her hand in marriage. This is one of the most popular rings a woman expects because it has been a tradition in most cultures.


If you want to give your significant woman an engagement ring, remember that the grander it looks, the ring’s value towards the wedding increases.

  1. Wedding ring

Besides engagement rings, wedding rings are one of the most important ornaments that women would expect. Wedding rings solidify a woman and her significant other’s marriage status and represent their union and love for one another.


When choosing a wedding band, it would be better to shop with your engagement ring to pick one that complements it.

  1. Eternity ring

Unlike promise rings, eternity rings can be given to any special woman in your life, may it be your spouse or your firstborn child. Eternity rings symbolize the eternal love you have for that particular person.

How to Pick the Perfect Ring for Her

  • Ask her closest friend/s

Most women confide in their best friends or sisters about what kind or style of ring she desires. To pick the best ring for her, consider asking her close friends first, as they may have a general idea of what she wants.

  • Consider her style

No one knows your special someone as you do. Consider her style and what her fashion preferences are. Whether she is into a bohemian or antique style, she will most likely want a ring in line with her aesthetic.

  • Observe her other jewelry

Paying attention to her jewelry gives you a peek at what jewelry pieces she desires. This gives you a clear idea of whether she prefers a ring with lots of detail and sparkle or simple and sleek pieces.

  • Ask her

If you cannot find any hint on what ring you should get her, remember there is nothing wrong with asking her what kind of ring she likes. You can casually approach her at different times and ask her about various components, such as the type of metal or diamond cut. Then you can put the pieces together and surprise her with the ring of her dreams.
